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The following public school districts provide transportation to Holy Infancy School for our students:

Click on the area/district name below for your busing form:

Allentown School District
Bethlehem Area School District
Catasauqua School District
Easton Area School District
Nazareth Area School District
Northampton Area School District
Salisbury Township School District
Saucon Valley School District
Wilson School District

Bus transportation is also available from other school districts. For more information about busing, please contact Jennifer Velez at 610-866-2621 or

Students who require busing must complete a new busing form each year. Students not requiring busing need to inform Jennifer Velez of the student’s name, school district in which they reside and that transportation is not needed. Some school districts have their own busing forms. Specific school busing forms are required by students who live in the areas/school districts listed.  Students from districts without a specific form should contact the school office.